Gabby's Little Shop
Sleepytime Mystery Box
Sleepytime Mystery Box
Is sleepytime hard for you or your little? Get a mystery bedtime box to help! It comes in 6 different sizes. There's Mini (3-5 items), Small (6-10 items), Medium (11-15 items), Large (16-20 items), Extra Large (21-25 items), and Jumbo (26-30 items).
- a bottle or sippy
- a paci
- bedtime books
- a blankie
- stuffies
- pillow
- jammies or slippers
- bedtime snacks
- sleepytime music or movies
Each box is completely different and none of the items are guaranteed. Also specify if you prefer a bottle or sippy. The sippy or bottle isn't guaranteed, but you just might get one!
Please let me know if you have any allergies, sensory issues, or irritations, too. The box may come with bedtime snacks, a blankie, or a stuffie, so if there is something you or your little cannot have, please let me know.
When you order, please give me your/your little's sizes for like jammies or slippers, you may just get those, too!